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Miniature Punch Needle Rugs - How To Instructions, Kits

Knitting Kits

Proddy Blossom Kits

Proddy Mats

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Proddy Blossoms


PRODDY is an old-fashioned British variation of rug hooking using shaped pieces of wool fabric lifted up with a hook, wool prod, or prodding clasp. This technique is PERFECT for creating beautiful three dimensional blossoms!
                              HAVE FUN! Love, Janet

Proddy Flowers
Proddy Flowers - made of hand-dyed high quality wool
Proddy Flowers

January - Carnations:
Love, fascination, distinction.

Proddy Carnations

February - Violets
Faithfulness, humility, chastity.

Proddy Violets

March - Jonquil
Friendship, domestic happiness.

Proddy Jonquil

April - Gerbera Daisies
Abundance, wealth, cheerfulness, peace.

Proddy Gerbera Daisies

May - Pansies
Sweetness, humility.

Proddy Pansies

June - Tea Rose
Passion, love, and beauty.

Proddy Tea Rose


Proddy Sunflower

Bachelor Buttons

Bachelor Buttons


Proddy Blossoms Kit Contents

Proddy Blossom Kits include complete instructions and all hand-dyed wools to make one or more 3-D blossoms. Never more than 10 well illustrated steps to complete a life-sized blossom. Each kit also includes a felt scrap and pin back for finishing as a fashion adornment.

All Proddy Blossom Kits: $10

Birth Month Blossoms:

12 different designs, order by flower name.


Proddy Tools
Hand-made 12" Oak Proddy stick for wrapping and cutting $15
Hand-made stained and polished maple Proddy tool $15
Hand-made exotic wood or deer antler Proddy Tool $20

July - Water Lily:
Open heart & domestic tranquility.

Proddy Carnations

August - Poppies
Sincerity, strength.

Proddy Poppy

September - Asters
Daintiness, love, affection.

Proddy Aster

October - Marigolds
Joy and modesty.

Proddy Marigolds

November - Chrysanthemum
Abundance, wealth, happiness.

Proddy Chrysanthemum

December - Poinsettia
Merriment, humor, good luck.

Proddy Poinsettia


Proddy Coneflower

Blackeyed Susans

Proddy Blackeyed Susans
Proddy Rug Designs


Hooked Rug Patterns: Make as a traditional hooked rug or add 3 dimensional Proddy Flowers, lace, buttons, and your choice of embellishments. All for use as wall or table pieces. Patterns hand-drawn on primitive LINEN backing, always on straight of grain. Click the image on the right to see a larger version or check out our black and white catalog or color catalog (next to last page).

PDY #1 Victorian Glove - 15" x 19" $50
PDY #2 Easter Basket - 15" x 21" $50
PDY #3 Flower Basket (half oval) - 15" x 36" $65
PDY #4 Flower Vine Table Runner - 15" x 53" $95
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PO Box 224
Hiram ME 04041
(207) 625-3325
J Conner Hooked Rugs  
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