hooked rugs . . rug hooking kits . . rug hooking instruction . . rug hooking supplies . . textile arts . . primitive rug hooking . . hand hooked rugs . . folk art . . hand dyed wool . .
antique hooked rug repair . . antique hooked rug appraisal . . rug hooking classes . . early American craft . . wool hooked rugs . . original designs . . hooked rug kits . . craft shows . . rugs, patterns, kits, supplies, wools

Step by Step How To

Appraisals & Repairs

Finished Rugs for Sale

Do It Yourself Kits

Tools and Supplies - Handmade hooks, frames, wools

Miniature Punch Needle Rugs - How To Instructions, Kits

Proddy Blossom Kits

Penny Rug Designs

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Books co-authored by Janet Conner

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To order rugs or kits, follow these steps:

  1. Use the order form for all products. Note that some items will not require a kit number. Right click on the link below and choose "Save link as" or "Save target as" or similar option depending on your browser. Save the order form on your computer and then open it with Adobe Reader (free at http://get.adobe.com/reader/ ). DO NOT fill out the form in the browser (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari, etc).

    Order Form

    blank image
  2. Look over the pictures on the kits and gallery pages..
    blank image
  3. Fill out the order form and state color preferences.
    blank image
  4. Add up the order and shipping charge.
    blank image
  5. To order by mail, save and print the completed order form and please write your check or money order payable to "J Conner Hooked Rugs". Mail to:
            J Conner Hooked Rugs
            PO Box 224
            Hiram ME 04041
    blank image
  6. To order online, save the completed order form and email it to jconnerhookedrugs@gmail.com as an attachment. Then use the "Pay Now" button below to make your payment online at PayPal. Be sure to fill in the order total on the PayPal page.

Please note that orders will not be filled until payment is received.

Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery (2-4 months for custom designed completed rug).

If you have any questions, call me at (207) 625-3325.


Making Hooked Rugs | Antique Hooked Rugs | Gallery | Rug Kits | Penny Rugs | Books
Miniature Punch Needle Rugs | Hooker's Bags | Pet Portraits | Proddy Blossoms | Tools & Supplies
Home | Contact | Classes, Shows, Retreats | Order | Links
PO Box 224
Hiram ME 04041
(207) 625-3325
J Conner Hooked Rugs  
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