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Step by Step How To

Appraisals & Repairs

Care of Hand Hooked Rugs
Rug Repair Process

Finished Rugs for Sale

Do It Yourself Kits

Tools and Supplies - Handmade hooks, frames, wools

Miniature Punch Needle Rugs - How To Instructions, Kits

Knitting Kits

Proddy Blossom Kits

Penny Rug Designs

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Books co-authored by Janet Conner

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The traditional folk art of rug hooking reached its zenith from about 1850-1920 in the coastal communities of Maine. The craft rapidly spread north through the Maritime provinces of Canada and south to the Cape and Islands of Massachusetts.

Grandma Trina's Flowers

It is thought that a process similar to rug hooking was employed as early as the ancient Coptic and Egyptian cultures, and of course now rug hooking is a popular craft for children and adults everywhere.

Canadian Rose Rug

Using simple materials, primarily re-cycled woolen fabrics and hand made hooks, farmers, sailors, and thrifty housewives made images of their pets, garden flowers, and homes. They were not professional artists, but simply wanted to warm their floors with their creative and practical efforts. These early rugs now command premium prices at antique auctions due to their charm and eccentricity.

Suzanne's Scroll Rug

I welcome the opportunity to study and repair antique hooked rugs. My services include delicate inch-by-inch cleaning and restoration as well as a comprehensive evaluation and appraisal. I love the process of researching the history, provenance, esthetics and local context of individual rugs. Please contact me directly for customized service.

Rug Repair Project - Before
See the complete repair process.

For more information, order a personally signed copy of the book Finishing Hooked Rugs. A must for all rug hookers!

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Miniature Punch Needle Rugs | Hooker's Bags | Pet Portraits | Proddy Blossoms | Tools & Supplies
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Hiram ME 04041
(207) 625-3325
J Conner Hooked Rugs  
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